Can a Catholic can get married in a non-denominational church? Would  it be just like getting married catholic getting married outside in a non-Catholic home or outside. We Getting Married Catholic; Second Marriages; Frequently Asked Questions by Engaged Couples . One frequent question I hear from couples is, Does anyone know of a Catholic Priest who is liberal enough to do a wedding outside his Parish, and even possibly do an outside wedding? We are getting married and I . If you are Catholic and marrying someone who is not a Catholic, arrangements are . If you want to get married outside England and Wales you will need to follow the . Plenty of people do. Why can't a Catholic ceremony take place outside? . there are unbending rules, and the rules on not getting married outside . Answer: In order to get married in the Catholic Church, you must be: A Baptized Christian; Both partners do not have to be a Catholic in order to be sacramentally . the catholic church is pretty inflexible about getting married outside the church. our priest gave us the option of having a small church ceremony the day catholic getting married outside before with . If a Catholic wishes to marry in a place outside the Catholic church, how . If two Catholics or a Catholic and non-Catholic are married invalidly in the eyes of the . Has your fiance's first marriage been annulled? If not you cannot be married in a Catholic ceremony. If so, you may be
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